Tentative agreement between the City of Montreal and its school crossing guards

A tentative agreement was reached November 9 between the City of Montreal and the Syndicat des brigadiers de Montréal (CUPE 930), which represents some 600 school crossing guards.

This agreement is the end result of constructive negotiations during which both parties displayed openness and creativity.

“I’m particularly proud of this tentative agreement and with how quickly the process resulting in the agreement unfolded. This clearly shows that we share a common vision of the essential role played by the 600 school crossing guards to ensure the safety of our children in the Montreal area,” said Montreal mayor Valérie Plante.

The school crossing guards had been without a contract since December 2020.

“We are very satisfied with the entire process and the respect the parties showed throughout negotiations. We will enthusiastically present the results of this tentative agreement on November 27 to our membership,” said Josée Rufiange, interim president of CUPE 930.