Sign a union card by clicking here.
Several of your colleagues individually approached the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) with concerns about your working conditions and representation to the employer. These concerns included a variety of issues, including the health & safety response to COVID-19, access to safe and warm spaces, shelter, and reliable washroom access.
By forming a union you establish a greater strength and a collective voice as workers rather than having to approach issues individually. A union gives you the ability to address these concerns, as well as other issues that can improve your life, such as wages, safety, benefits, and equality through bargaining a collective agreement (common legal contract) with the employer.
Who is CUPE?
The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) is Canada’s largest union with over 700,000 members across the country working in education, libraries, social services, municipalities, health care, airlines, and utilities.
Find out more at https://cupe.ca